Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Aaron Horak Final Paper

Future Predictions of the World According to South Park

The future has been predicted by many people, in the early Greek civilization they had what they called oracles; men an women who we now seem to know got high and tried to predict the future for their city-state. Nostradamus is said to be the most well known person to predict the future with his works he titled The Prophecies. Even Jesus Christ and other prophets in the Bible, both Old and New Testament, predicted the future. Today everyone from cult leaders and global warming alarmists like former Vice President Al Gore seem to try and predict the future. With my media artifact the writers of a TV program also seemed to try and predict the future for their realm of reality in the South Park world.

In this paper I try and put together the theories of three sources who predict what the world will look like in the years to come. One is a TV show called South Park, a popular cartoon on Comedy Central Network who tackles pop culture references from the Somali pirates, terrorists, Bloods vs. Crips, Japanese whaling, HIV, Guitar Hero, Global Warming, etc.. The other two are authors Jan Nederveen Pieterse and Samuel Huntington who have totally different takes on what is to come for human civilization. Also I will be answering the three questions required for the paper (1) What do the theories of the two authors reveal about the artifact? (2) Does the artifact confirm or contradict the theories of the two authors? (3) What general conclusions come out of the artifact and the theories of the two authors with “Social Implications of an Information Society”?

First let’s describe what my media artifact is. Like I have said above South Park is a cartoon TV show on Comedy Central Network that has a variety of topics portrayed during the program. South Park was created in 1997 by Trey Parker and Matt Stone and is now on its 13th season. The animation on the show is not like any other cartoon on television. When the show started the pilot was made entirely out of construction paper and stop motion cutout animation, and now is made with computers but it still has the same look. The target audience for this program has always been men in the ages of 18- 45 because of the vulgarity and humor that goes along with the show. The whole show revolves around the four main characters of boys who always seem to get into trouble or try to fix problems in their town of South Park, Colorado. The artifact in particular is from the 8th season with the episode titled “Goobacks”; it first aired April 28, 2004. The episode synopsis is humans from the year 3045 are traveling to South Park through a recently opened time portal and are looking for work, which in turn take jobs away from the people in South Park. It is up to the four boys and the town’s people to fix the problem. From this episode the writers of the show predict what will happen to the human race in over one thousand years.

I believe that this show clip is worthy of scholarly attention because not only are scholars predicting what the future will look like but pop culture and television are too. This is not the first instance of this happening. TV shows like Star Trek, the Jetsons, Futurama, etc. have all predicted what the future will look like for humans. For Star Trek, a TV show that ran in the 1960s, perceive the future as humans and aliens from other planets explore the universe. The Jetsons is a cartoon TV show also created in the 1960s depicts the future to be exclusively all white people in flying cars and in buildings hundreds and thousands of stories up in the air. Futurama is also a cartoon that is set in the 31st century and is much like Star Trek, but mostly about the daily lives of humans and aliens living together on Earth. All of these TV shows have an idea of what the future may hold for us humans. Of course all of these shows are made for entertainment and some can’t be taken seriously, but the creators and writers of these shows took a lot of time to make these shows and drew conclusions of what has happened to inventions and technology in the last two centuries and put together what might happen.

In the world of South Park time travelers come back to the present day looking for work because supposedly in the year 3045 the Earth is so overpopulated that it’s inhabitants travel to the past for a better life. We find out in the first seven minutes of the show that the time travelers are human, but are a little different. During the show you see CNN do a story on the future of humans and this is what is said, “Future Americans have evolved into hairless uniformed mix of all races. They are all one color which is a yellowy brownish whitish color. It seems race is not an issue in the future because all ethnicities have mixed into one.” So the writers, for entertainment purposes, predict that the different races of humans with have crossbreeded together to have no distinction of race at all. Later the reporter talks about the language of future humans, “The people in the future speak a complete mix of English, Chinese, Turkish and indeed all world languages.” So in the future there is only one language instead of the many we have in the present.

Now looking to the other two authors, Samuel Huntington would disagree with South Park’s view of the future. He has said in his article The Clash Of Civilizations, “It is my hypothesis that the fundamental source of conflict in this new world will no be primarily ideological or primarily economic. The great divisions among humankind and the dominating source of conflict will be cultural. Nation states will remain the most powerful actors in world affairs, but the principal conflicts of global politics will occur between nations and groups of different civilizations. The clash of civilizations will be the battle lines of the future.” (Huntington 1993) So for Huntington he believes that humans will not be able to get over their differences but will clash over their cultures. When he means culture he says “It is defined both by common objective elements, such as language, history, religion, customs, institutions, and by the subjective self-identification of people.” (Huntington 1993)

Huntington goes into detail on why civilizations will clash. Instead of a utopian like future that South Park says might happen Huntington believes the human race will not be able to get along for 6 reasons. The first is differences in history, language, culture tradition and religion. “The people of different civilizations have different views on the relations between God and man, the individual and the group, the citizens and the state, parents and children, husband and wife, as well as different views of the relative importance of rights and responsibilities, liberty and authority, equality and hierarchy. These differences are the product of centuries. They will not soon disappear. (Huntington 1993)

The second reason is that the world is getting smaller; interactions between peoples from different civilizations are increasing. “The interaction among peoples of different civilizations enhance the civilization-consciousness of people that, in turn, invigorates differences and animosities stretching or thought to stretch back deep into history.” (Huntington 1993) So for Huntington he believes that when different cultures interact with each other that breeds bad blood between the civilizations.

The next reason is economic modernization and social changes are separating people from longstanding identities. Huntington also says that with that the national identity is weakened. (Huntington 1993) Basically he is saying that a civilization’s culture is a huge price to pay when it comes to modernization. An example of this is the Islamic countries in the Middle East. They want to preserve their culture and religion, but without modernizing they will fall behind in the world, but if they modernize to much they might become much like the West which is what they don’t want.

The fourth reason is the growth of civilization-consciousness is enhanced by the dual role of the West. He goes on to say “the West is at the peak of its power. At the same time, however, and perhaps as a result, a return to the roots phenomenon is occurring among non-Western civilizations….A de-Westernization and indigenization of elites is occurring in many non-Western countries at the same time that Western, usually American, cultures, styles and habits become more popular among the mass of people.” Huntington is saying that is non-Western countries the mass of people are moving towards the culture of the West while the elites and people in power are trying to go back to the roots of their culture and history.

The fifth reason is cultural characteristics. “In class and ideological conflicts, the key question was ‘Which side are you on?’ and people could and did choose sides and change sides. In conflicts between civilizations, the question is ‘What are you’ that is a given that cannot be changed….Even more than ethnicity, religion discriminates sharply and exclusively among people. A person can be half-French and half-Arab and simultaneously even a citizen of two countries.”
The last reason is the increasing of economic regionalism. “The importance of regional economic blocs is likely to continue to increase in the future. One the one hand, successful economic regionalism will reinforce civilization-consciousness. On the other hand, economic regionalism may succeed only when it is rooted in a common civilization.” (Huntington 1993) When Huntington talks about a common civilization he is talking about countries who have often have a common culture. Like America and other Western countries having free trade, while the Islamic countries come together and have their free trade with each other also. When there is free trade there is progress, but when other countries are excluded from a free trade organization it might cause problems.

The second author, Jan Nederveen Pieterse, has a totally different view of what the future will bring to the human race. Pieterse wants to see the world to join together and be able to be one civilization instead of many. “The commingling of cultures has led to economic innovations and growth in the past and has potential for doing so in the future.” (Pieterse 2009) When people come together there can be progress and peace.

Pierterse sees a couple of things that might happen in the future. First in that migration to and from every corner of the world and that it is a good thing and has helped all countries who have embraced immigrants. “Intercultural contact… has accelerated the diffusion of technologies and knowledges and the development of new technologies and forms of social and economic cooperation.” He thinks that immigrants have been able to help countries economically. “A key question is not merely whether immigration is culturally desirable, morally preferable, or politically feasible, but whether and how it contributes to economic development.” (Pieterse 2009)

With migration there will be also be crossbreeding between the races of man. Pieterse says that “a revaluation has taken place according to which crossbreeding and polygenic inheritance has come to be positively valued as enrichments of gene pool.” (Pieterse 2009) It is true that parents pass on better antibodies to diseases and children will then pass them on to their children, so the blending of races is seen as a good thing. Another reason to integrate with the races is to get past the idea of racism. “Mixing the races is the antidote to identity and ethnicity.”

Pieterse also says that hybridization can solve for a lot of the world’s problems. “Hybridization is an antidote to the cultural differentialism of racial nationalist doctrines because it takes as its point of departure precisely those experiences that have been banished, marginalized, tabooed in cultural differentialism. It subverts nationalism because it privileges border crossing. It subverts identity politics such as ethnic or other claims to purity and authenticity because it starts out from the fuzziness of boundaries.” (Pieterse 2009)

Pieterse then says that languages will come together, but will it come together into one he doesn’t say. “Presumably, some grammars have been mingling all along. Thus, a mixture of cultural grammars is part of the intrinsic meaning of the world religions. More fundamentally, the question is whether the distinction between cultural language and cultural grammar can bee maintained at all, as a distinction between surface and depth.” (Pieterse 2009)

Now even though Pieterse would like all of this to happen he also sees the dangers of hybridization of the human race. Pieterse says that future hybrids might get some backlash from others. Of course some people don’t like it when others have interracial marriages and start to mix certain words and phrases to create their own “language”, that’s some what common. But as Pieterse has pointed out migration for countries has helped economically. And with migration has come crossbreeding and language mixing.

Now after looking at the two authors lets see what they reveal about the media artifact. It shows that the media artifact does draw a lot of conclusions without reading into other authors who have wrote about what is to come in the future. Of course the writers of the TV show are very talented, what they really did was just assume what might happen without a lot of research.

The media artifact also shows that South Park went with Pieterse’s notion of the future to come instead of Huntington. The writers of South Park concluded that the people of the future will mix and mix until there will be no more race. They also assumed that with the crossbreeding the languages of the world will come together. Pieterse never said there would be one language, but it’s a TV show and its entertainment. Is also shows that even though the South Park writers probably didn’t read Pieterse they came to the same conclusions.

Then lastly my conclusions for this media artifact pertaining to social implications of an information society are that I believe that the world will only come together more quickly with more technology and free trade be accessible than it was in the past. With thoughts, ideas and newer technology there can be many bridges to other civilizations that we haven’t been able to build yet. I also believe in Huntington that in the near future we will have a clash between some civilizations, but in the end I think that hopefully in the year 3045 we will have some sort of unity just like in the South Park world.

Works Cited
Pieterse, Jan Nederveen. Globalization & Culture. Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, New York. 2009

Huntington, Sammuel. Clash Of Civilizations. Foreign Affairs Summer 2009


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